Monday, 4 January 2016

Our World Tuesday, ABC Wednesday, Z for Zutphen

Zutphen is an old city, which has seen a turbulent past and is already mentioned by the Romans. It has been inhabited continuously for 1700 years now. It is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands.
In about 800 the settlement was incorperated in the Frankish Empire.
In the 9th century Zutphen was destroyed by the Vikings. After this a round ring-wall and moat were built by the end of that century.

Borrowed from "Kijk op Zutphen"

In 1284 and 1336 large parts of the town were burnt down, which resulted   in the construction of brick buildings. Zutphen became a member of the Hanse league, a co-operation of traders and cities  particularly in North Germany.
The 16th century  became very difficult for Zutphen due to the rise of other cities and the Eighty Years'War with Spain.
On 10 June 1572 the town was occupied by a brother- in- law of William of Orange, but in November the Spaniards came back and killed hundreds of the inhabitants. This is called The Massacre of Zutphen.

With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created the ABC meme.For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar . This week we are looking for words beginning with Z and then we will have finished round seventeen.

Welcome to Our World Tuesday! This meme continues in memory of the work of Klaus Peter, whose "that's My World" brought people together from around the world every Monday to share the wonders therein--big and small.Please click on our  logo for "Our World Tuesday" in the sidebar. Thank you Team of O.W.T

Zutphen now as we saw it on our walk.


Shooting Parrots said...

A very turbulent past - fortunately this pretty town shows no lasting damage from all those unwelcome visitors!

Unknown said...

met recht een post waard, mooie plek!

Have a nice abc-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ <abc-e-team)

photowannabe said...

Fascinating history which I really knew little about.
Sorry my ignorance seems to be showing.

Leslie: said...

Looks like a lovely town has built up around the history of invasion. Hope you have a happy new year, Wil.

abcw team

Roger Owen Green said...

Nice piece, as always.
Thanks, Wil, for all you do!
Feel better.


Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

very nice.

carol l mckenna said...

Fascinating history and great photography for Z ~

Happy Week to you, ^_^

Hildred said...

What a long and interesting history, - and very sad periods as well.

Lea said...

The USA is such a young country, I am always interested to see photos of the much older cities of Europe.
Wishing you a speedy recovery from your injuries

Ingrid said...

Thank you for the sightseeing ! My DIL is from Zutphen and was born there. Her father is still living there and my son and she go there from time to time to visit him. I have never been there so far.

ABC Wednesday Team

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots of Zuthpen! Read on Leslie's blog you have been the hospital - that you may healing and recovery may be speedily!

Ann said...

I love knowing the history of a city or country. The town now is lovely.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

yr Zealand where New Zealand is named after. Often the Kiwis still joke.