When I came back from my tour in Israel by the end of March last year, I thought it might be a good idea to dedicate this post to the traditional headdress of the Jewish man.
A kippah or kipa
is a flat shaped cap, usually made of cloth, often worn by Jewish men to fulfill the custom that their head be covered at all times, especially worn by men at prayer.It is worn on the crown of their heads.
Jewish law dictates that a man is required to cover his head during prayer. Originally, wearing a head covering outside of the synagogue for Orthodox males was a custom.
For little boys there are kippot especially designed for children. A kippah is the word for the religious cap that observant Jewish males wear as respect to God.
With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, and to Roger, our new Captain.We started round 11 of the fascinating meme of ABC. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar . This week we are looking for words beginning with K.

look at all of them! Nice post, Wil :)
ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
~ > < } } ( ° > <3
nice kap. I mean kipa!
Greap kipas indeed and so colorful!! Great, interesting post for the day, Wil! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!!
You really snapped all the right kippah shops in Jerusalem, Wil. :)
I also enjoy watching Pope Francesco in his skullcap.
P.S. Your grandbaby and daughter--such a happy picture!
I had no idea they were so colorful and even playful. I always thought they were plain. Very interesting.
Wow! I thought they were always black. But look at all those fancy designs! Great post today Wil...have a wonderful week.
abcw team
They're certainly colourful. Nice one.
It is both interesting and timely for Passover! Thanks for both the explanation and the photos. So interesting because at one time the Roman Catholic Church required head gear/scarves for women! So many similarities in our religions. Kate ABC Team
Lovely photo's, I never thought they could be so solourful.
What a wonderful array of kippahs - I can see them becoming very fashionable, apart from their religious useage, - but I think that might be construed a sacriligious.
Perfect post and photos for K ~ delightful reading.
I didn't know little boys wore them. Nor did I know the correct name. My new word for the day! Plus very interesting history and great pictures. Thank you.
Love the pictures of them in all their size, shapes, and colors. What wonderful variety! A lovely look into an overlooked item of clothing. Wonderful K.
The children's ones are so interesting, didn't know they had those that are so decorated.
What fun! I wonder where I put the one Dina gave us such a long time ago when she lived in Chicago.
And I forgot to mention your daughter and granddaughter are beautiful!!!
I just now learned about kippa, thanks to you, Wil!
Korean Friends
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
Great designs, very fashionable.
A kaleidoscope collection of kippot!
Have a great week and happy holiday.
They say you learn something new everyday. And I did.
going to Australia this Sunday for 20 days.
According to the Kippah is the symbol of the blessing that God showers upon them. They wear it to honor the Almighty who is above mankind.
Kippahs for sale
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