Tuesday, 6 December 2016

ABC Wednesday, V for Vivo and Vehicle.

Last month I got this wonderful mobility scooter from my Dutch daughter as an early birthday present, because I can't cycle anymore. I was looking for an object beginning with "V", when I saw the name of the scooter brand "Vivo"!
Little by little I get used to my tiny vehicle. I meet a lot of people who are kind and lend me a helping hand.  The main super market has slidingdoors and most of the smaller shops as well. The people in this village are helpful, especially the elderly ones. Well I am happy that I am mobile again.

With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC.For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with V.


MelodyK said...

Jammer dat je hem nodig hebt maar aan de andere kant geweldig dat je hem hebt, het zal je mobiliteit enorm vergroten weet ik uit ervaring met mensen in het vrijwilligerswerk dat ik al vanaf mijn 12e doe, dus al ruim 40 jaar ;-) Ik wens je er heel veel plezier mee en vooral genieten van de vrijheid

Have a nice ABC-day / – Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-team)

Leslie: said...

That may well be me in that vehicle one day. What with my bad back, and healed broken ankle, and almost broken shins I feel like I'd like to ride around in one of those! But I know it's best to try to keep mobile, so I do. Am anticipating another back operation in the near future, too, once I see the surgeon again. Glad to hear you're happy with your new mode of transportation and people are helpful and kind.

abcw team

Trubes said...

How kind of your daughter to buy you
your new set of wheels Wil,
I hope you have many happy hours buzzing
around your neighbourhood,
Best wishes,
ABCW team.

photowannabe said...

Oh my I am happy you are mobile again too.
The little scooter looks perfect for shopping .

Anonymous said...

Oh Wil, I had no idea -am so happy for you that you are mobile again! Wishing you a very special December month! This is when I miss speculaas, marsepain, banket staaf, etc.

Hildred said...

Oh, you are very brave. I have Charles' scooter, but feel very vulnerable on it. I just passed the medical for my driver's license for another two years, so I will bundle myself into the car. Not that I go far, but it is more comfortable for me.. Eventually I will have to brave the scooter.

Roger Owen Green said...

Yay for mobility! And happy birthday!


Photo Cache said...

What a wonderful present.

Lea said...

I am happy for you!
Don't get into any races with other riders!

Vicki Lane said...

I'm sure you'll enjoy your scooter! And as for your header picture -- breathtaking!