Monday, 28 November 2016

ABC Wednesday, U of United States, that's My World

"The president is indirectly elected by the people through the Electoral College to a four-year term, and is one of only two nationally elected federal officers, the other being the Vice President of the United States. The Twenty-second Amendment, adopted in 1951, prohibits anyone from ever being elected to the presidency for a third full term. It also prohibits a person from being elected to the presidency more than once if that person previously had served as president, or acting president, for more than two years of another person's term as president. In all, 43 individuals have served 44 presidencies (counting Cleveland's two non-consecutive terms separately) spanning 56 full four-year terms.On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama became the 44th and current president. On November 6, 2012, he was re-elected. This second term ends at noon on January 20, 2017. Donald Trump, having won the 2016 presidential election, is expected to be inaugurated shortly after noon."

There was a time that the USA was very popular in my country. But this last election splits the world in two parts that hate each other. The new president will have to do a hell of a job to unite the country again. He will represent the whole western world too.

Welcome to Our World Tuesday! This meme continues in memory of the work of Klaus Peter, whose "that's My World" brought people together from around the world every Monday to share the wonders therein--big and small.Please click on our  logo for "Our World Tuesday" in the sidebar.

With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC.For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with U.


Kay said...

I don't know what to say, Wil. I'm still in shock and devastated with the idea of Trump as our president. I don't understand how that could happen.

Reader Wil said...

Thanks fpor your comment Kay . I find it difficult to say something about the election results for fear of insulting those who voted for D.T.
I enjoy seeing your posts about your trips and I am glad that you and your husband are happy together. Thanks for sharing.

Kay L. Davies said...

Wow, Wil, I never though I'd see you use the word "helluva"! I agree with my other friend Kay (above) in that I don't understand how Trump's election happened, either. I'd say it's "a helluva shock" to all right-thinking North Americans. I still can't quite wrap my mind around it. It surely can't be good for Canada, although some right-thinking people do think it can. My fear is that he will take advantage of our 3000 miles of undefended border, plus all of our natural resources.
Well, time will tell. Good for you, bravely commenting on the election with no sign of bias. You are an example I should hope to follow.
Love, Kay

Rajesh said...

You are very much correct, the last election was very different from all the previous elections.

Lady Fi said...

Nice shots. I think the last election has made a lot of people re-think about the US.

Fun60 said...

The election result sent shock waves around the world.

Trubes said...

I agree whole heartedly with all the above
I was most alarmed, almost frightened, when Trump was elected President of the US.
How could this be ? He's like a loose cannon, he's said the most appalling sexist
and abusive things about women. he's a blatant racist...
I mean, who does he like ?
God bless America and Lord help the rest of us!
I hope you are keeping well and warm in this cold weather Wil?
Best regards,
ABCW team xxxx.

Leslie: said...

Having studied up a lot on history, I'm afraid this is the next step towards a world war - not to my liking, of course, but if you look at the way the world has had its rises and falls over the centuries, well...hope it won't be in my or my kids' lifetimes but only time will tell.

abcw team

MelodyK said...

Ik weet er zo goed als niets van..... is ook niet een onderwerp dat mij echt boeit al vind ik die t wel een heel eng manneke.... hopelijk verandert het nog bij de hertelling

Have a nice ABC-day / - Week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-team)

carol l mckenna said...

Marvelous post and photos and I so agree ~ Our country is as Betty Davis once said, ' Fasten your seat belts ~ we're in for a rough ride.' ~

Wishing you a Happy and Fun Week ~ ^_^

Photo Cache said...

I am not a fan of the electoral college. I would like it to be gone.


Anonymous said...

I've chosen to be quiet about the election and it's not because I'm upset. I hope people will settle down and wait and see what happens. United States is a good choice for the letter U. Have a good week!

Roger Owen Green said...

Bad things are already happening. I am fearful...


Nonnie said...

I'm praying that our country will soon be peaceful. However, our media likes pouring fuel on the fire (our Divisiveness).

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I have never been so sad and frightened and upset about our country Wil..... almost everyone I know (in real life and on the blogs I visit as well ). was devastated by the election ....its a scary time for the whole world too as you point out, since we are all connected . I wish I understood how it happened and I wish I could do something about it.

Hildred said...

A pertinent post, Wil.

ChrisJ said...

Hi everyone. I'm finally back to blogging. I debated commenting on this blog because I think that my comment will be disliked. But I also think one should say what one believes. So here goes!!
I do not like Donald Trump. He is blowhard, a braggart, and has little respect for women. Having said that, I have to tell you that I found it very hard to vote for him, which I did -- and this is why. I believe his campaign consisted of showmanship designed to get the public's attention and therefore he said whatever it took to get the headlines. The media are the villains. They chose carefully what they printed for the same purpose. I dearly hope Trump would not do -- or be allowed to do, what he said he would. We have a good set of checks and balances in our government and the men he has gathered around him are strong, experienced and not afraid to speak their mind or even take action if necessary. Them we know. Trump we don't know. Hillary doesn't bear thinking about. She has billions of dollars behind her -- the Clinton foundation (thoroughly crooked) and George Soros (He is dangerous and sees himself as the savior of the world -- see what he has to say about himself). Hillary studied under and studied Saul Alinsky's philosophy, a proven Communist, as is and Black Lives Matter not to mention Bernie Sanderson. We have a racial problem in the States without doubt and Obama certainly didn't help that. I believe the Christian, truly Christian, can do so much about that. We are too comfortable in our own social circles. I am a moderate, right wing conservative. I do not like Trump but at least we know what he is thinking whereas Hillary says publicly what she thinks the people want to hear, but has an entirely different agenda behind the scenes.

PHEW !!! Please don't judge me too harshly. I just want peace, harmony and to take care of those in need. In addition, I really don't want to engage in arguments about this over Blogger but do think I should have the courage to state my convictions. I am very happy to agree to disagree amicably.

Well how's that for a comeback!

Reader Wil said...

Blogger Reader Wil said...

Welcome back Chris. Thank you for your respectful comment. I dislike Trump, because of his remarks especially those about women. They remind me of the war when women were put in concentration camps for women and children in Java. These women were humiliated and abused by the Japanese soldiers, but they took care of the children. They were brave and strong mothers and thanks to them many children survived.I appreciate the careful way you wrote about your opinions. Of course the media are not always honest, but What I heard him say about women was enough to make me feel hurt. He is going to be a role model and many young people will feel free to do what he said, beating gay people, treating foreigners disrespectfully and like dirt.Frankly Chris there has never been an American President like Donald Trump, so vulgar, so rude!
Dear Chris, your hair do is brilliant. You look wonderful. I hope to see you next week again.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

sorry, missed last week,

Went to a costume and props place, saw a lot of the Maori replica. I told my students even though they were replicas, we still have to treat them with respect,

Anonymous said...


Su-sieee! Mac said...

I am hoping the electoral college voters side with their conscience and go with the popular vote. Even though Trump isn't in office yet, we can tell with his advisor and cabinet choices that he has no intent on uniting us, a country of diverse people. The so-called "Great" will happen for the top 1%, unfortunately for the Trump voters who don't fit that bill. If Trump is formally elected as U.S. President, then buckle up. The whole world is in for a bumpy ride.

Thanks, Wil, for allowing us to voice our opinions. You're a sweetie. On a more positive, happy note, Happy Birthday, Wil!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I'm hoping that the Electoral College will follow the popular vote. Through his choices for advisors and cabinet secretaries, as well as his actions as President-elect, Trump has shown that he has no intent on uniting us, a country of diverse people. The 1% will have more money than ever, while the rest of us will do our best to keep afloat. If the college does elect Trump, then buckle up. The world is in for a bumpy ride.

Will, thanks a lot for allowing us to express our opinions. You're a sweetie. On a joyful note, Happy Birthday!