Monday, 26 September 2016

Our World Tuesday., ABC Wednesday, L of Lonely Lady

A Lonely Lady

One afternoon I heard a strange and horrible story of my gardener. Last year he had to do a very bizarre job in a neighbouring village . An old lady had died some time before the neighbours noticed that there was something wrong. She was discovered  a few weeks after she had died. She had no relatives, kept herself to herself, and  had neglected her garden in such a way that the undertaker was not able to remove her body from the house. There was only a very narrow path leading to the frontdoor. The gardeners were asked to remove all the weeds, bushes and plants from the garden and clean it as well as possible. It was a hell of a job and the first time they had to do this.

 They often clean gardens for people who want to buy a house of which the former owner had died, but never a job like this.

It is a sad and almost unbelievable story. How lonely this lady must have been, and how difficult to live next to a person who doesn't want to have any contact with neighbours. She was a real recluse and nobody could get near her.

Welcome to Our World Tuesday! This meme continues in memory of the work of Klaus Peter, whose "that's My World" brought people together from around the world every Monday to share the wonders therein--big and small.Please click on our  logo for "Our World Tuesday" in the sidebar. Thank you Team of O. W. T.!

With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC, and thanks to Roger. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with  L.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is so very sad Wil. I wonder what would cause someone to become a recluse like that.

Leslie: said...

I can imagine how lonely she was. My family has never been close and lately my two daughters don't seem to want much to do with me...I hardly ever see my grandson or granddaughter anymore too. And as we age, we become more and more feeble to the point that no one notices that we're not around much. I sure hope I don't end up like that old lady, but I'm sure glad I have Tegan who makes me get up every morning and take her out a few times a day so that I have contact with others.

abcw team

photowannabe said...

This made me lonely and sad just reading the post. How sad to have no one.

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for your comment! Yes there are a lot of lonely people, and we can only visit them every now and then, and listen to them.

Hildred said...

How very sad - I am so lucky to have family who keep tabs on me, and activities in which I would be missed.

Nonnie said...

I had a cousin who had been dead for a few days before anyone checked on him. That's something I think about, but not too often because it's so sad. I wonder what led to her not wanting interaction with anyone.

Shooting Parrots said...

It does seem a sad story, but I suppose it is possible that this lady was lonely by choice. Some people are much more comfortable with their own company than with other people.

MelodyK said...

Afschuwelijk Wil... en ja helaas hoor je dit soort verhalen steeds vaker, althans dat idee heb ik wel..... zoveel mensen vereenzamen door de veranderingen in de structuur van sociale netwerken...

Reader Wil said...

Yes Shooting Parrots, that's the reason why people are alone and lonely. It is difficult to understand why people are lonely by choice or because they are shy or disappointed in neighbours, relatives, or former friends. Still I think that we have a duty to find out what is going on. We need a lot of courage to do this.
Thanks for your comment.

Roger Owen Green said...

I love the rustic feel of pic 1


Beloo Mehra said...

What a sad story. It is perhaps a most tragic death when someone has to die so alone and lonely.

Powell River Books said...

On the other hand, she probably died in the place she loved the best. Being alone doesn't always translate into lonely. - Margy

Trubes said...

i am glad to say I doubt if i ever become lonely
in my old age...yikes I'm 70 now but I don't feel my very
young 50 year old friend and neighbour, Anna tells me 'Age is just a number'
also our thre daughters keep us in check along with the gandchildren so i guess
we are so lucky...
best regards,
ABCW team.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow ~ quite the post ~ for L ~ sometimes, though, recluses just enjoy their own company ~ sad though that it took so long to find she was dead ~ life can be strange ~

Wishing you a happy week ^_^

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This is a sad story. I think some elderly lose touch with the world but not willingly. They have problems with suspicion and paranoia. It's sad when they have no family to keep them engaged and active, or to recognize that they need help. I hope that now she rests in peace

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

our swans have cignets now, I must go to the lakes to enjoy them. I will think of you when I see them. By the way, our swans are black.Sorry been away, been busy with my next book.

Vagabonde said...

C’est vraiment triste de finir seule ainsi. Peut-être elle était in peu gâteuse et avait peur de gens.

Suzy said...

That's such a sad story. While the nuclear family has its advantages, it also has major disadvantages particularly in leaving the elderly on their own. Very sad.