Tuesday, 26 April 2016

ABC Wednesday, P for Palmtrees

Palmtrees at the holiday park Cascades

With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC, and thanks to Roger. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with P.



Being in the Botanic Gardens of Cooktown we saw a lot of Palmtrees. Some of them are really very beautiful and colourful. Like the Foxtail Palm.

 This Foxtail Palm was only found in a very small part of Australia on the boulder strewn, exposed gravel hills of Cape Melville Range on Cape York Peninsula. That is not far from where my daughter lives. Now it is one of the most popular palms in the world and grown in many places outside Australia.

Fruit of the Foxtail Palm

Millaa Millaa Falls

Malanda Falls

The Lakes Resort

The Lakes Resort

 Millaa Millaa  Falls


In 20012, the day before taking leave of each other,

 we stayed at the Lakes Resort in Cairns 



Cloudia said...

Thank you for telling me about the Fox Tail Palm! I posted the berries today in my Hawaii Daily Photo and din't know their name, Wil!

Roger Owen Green said...

Pretty! You don't see palm trees in my part of the world!


Carin Diaz said...

Beautiful Palm Trees. They remind me of the coconut trees when I live in the Philippines.

MelodyK said...

wat zijn ze toch altijd weer indrukwekkend hè?

Ik zag ze voor het eerst echt zelf (in de buitenlucht dus...) toen ik in 2012 op Gran Canaria was...

Schitterende fotos weer... zeker nu we hier in sneeuw ondergedompeld zijn ;-(

Lieve groet, ♫ M e l o d y ♫

Leslie: said...

Great shots, Wil. People don't believe me when I say we have palm trees here in Vancouver. Yes! They're hardy palms but they thrive here.

abcw team

Trubes said...

I've seen palm Trees as tall as these in The Canary Isles, off the coast
of N.W. Africa.
Smashing pictures too!
Best wishes,
ABCW team.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. Palm trees are another great choice for the letter P! You have lots of great ones here.

Vicki Lane said...

Beautiful pictures! I grew up in Florida with lots of palm trees. Alas, they can't grow here in the mountains of western North Carolina.

Hildred said...

Beautiful, Wil. Very different from the country here but I can imagine how pleasant it would be....

Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures :)
I live in the Netherlands and here you have no palm trees.
Have a nice day

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful series of photos for P ~ looks like a very elegant place to enjoy ~

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

Cloudia said...

Happy King's Day Wil!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Oooh, the red fruit of that palm tree (I've already forgotten its name) is brilliant. I'd plant that tree just for the redness of the fruit.

Beloo Mehra said...

Gorgeous palm! In my part of the world I see them often, have a few smaller varieties growing in my garden also, still on the young side. But still :)

Ingrid said...

I just came back from Southern France where I wandered under Palm trees ! But they also grow at the Southern coast of England amazingly ! Apparently it was the English who planted the palm trees at the French Riviera !

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I can almost feel the breeze as the palms are swaying through your gorgeous photographs. Blessings!