Monday, 27 July 2015

ABC Wednesday, C of Captain

On one of my travels to Australia, I arrived rather early, as usual, in Cairns. I was to meet my daughter at the airport. She was alone while her kids were at home in Cooktown with her partner.

As it was still very early we went to a café to have a "brekkie". After that we went to a very small airfield to board an even smaller plane, which could accommodate 10 people. We were the only two passengers. After a while a tall young man with a cheerful face and a briefcase under his arm, came to us and greeted us with:"G'day ladies, how are you today? I am your captain!"

We answered with:"Hello, and how are you?!"

We took our places  on the back seats and he sat down on his heels and told us what we had to do in case of an emergency. It was kind of funny as we know the whole ritual by heart now, but he was obliged to read it out loud.

When he sat down on his seat in front of the plane, he started the engine, but in stead of taking off he drove round and round for a while. We asked him if anything was the matter. He said that he had no idea, but there was a red light on at the dashboard, and that he first wanted to consult his manual. Fortunately he found the problem and how to solve it. And off we went. We arrived safely at the airport in Cooktown.


While writing this post I am again in Australia. Have a nice summer!

We thank Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC, and we must thank Roger too for the weekly job to find  ten bloggers for each of the ABC Team members  to visit and to read their posts. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar . This week we are looking for words  beginning with C.



Sylvia K said...

Ah, hope you're enjoying your time in Australia!!! Great post for the day, as always, Wil!! Have a great new week!

Cloudia said...

You are a veteran flyer, Wil! Enjoy your journey. . . I KNOW you do :-)

( '>

Kay said...

Have a terrific time with your daughter and family! I would love to go back to Australia and New Zealand. Glad to see you had a nice flight.

Reader Wil said...

Thankyou all for your good wishes! I am having a great time, even though the climate is still too warm.
LoVe to you all!
Wil, A

Leslie: said...

Lots of Cs hidden in your text this week. lol Hope you are having a carefree time with your family!

abcw team

Roger Owen Green said...

Bon voyage!


Unknown said...

Je gaat je ongetwijfeld weer helemaal vermaken en dat is je uiteraard van harte gegund

Zulke kleine verrassingen maken een dag extra leuk he.

Trubes said...

Hi Wil,
Glad your young Captain sorted the problem whilst Circling the airfield,
I'm afraid I would have bailed out at the emergency exit!
Enjoy your holiday with your family, looking forward to seeing some
photographs soon,
Best wishes,
ABCW team.

Obsessivemom said...

A problem in the plain sounds scary. Glad you arrived safe and sound.

BeatAboutThe Book

Hildred said...

A friendly and capable captain...

Photo Cache said...

How funny. Enjoy your visit to Australia. You're almost a native now, aren't you?


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What brave ladies you and your daughter were; that would worry me to have the pilot consulting his manual as he prepared for take off. (It's bad enough if a red light comes on in a car and the driver has no idea what happened). A very funny story and of course since you are writing and you are again visiting your family we know that everything worked out well.

Fun post!!!!

Anonymous said...

You really get around. Enjoy your time with your daughter! Glad you had a safe journey after the red light was figured out!

Ann said...

Blinking red lights are not good for travelers!!!!! Glad its all well,.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

yesterday's news, they found a piece of plane wing of that missing Malaysian Airline plane. Wonder if this is true. Such a tragedy and the captain was blamed.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Glad he figured it out....enjoy your holiday♪

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I hope you enjoyed your holiday. That red light would probably have made me exit the airplane. But then, I wouldn't get on one to start with flying days are over. :)
I'm glad he figured out the problem and you arrived safely!