Tuesday, 18 June 2013

ABC Wednesday, W is for Wombat

She was so lazy, that she had no intention to move!
Another interesting Australian animal is the wombat, which you see here in the arms of her carer. She is a marsupial as are many Australian animals. Her pouch is backward facing, for wombats dig their burrows and if the pouch was facing upwards,  it  would be contaminated by dirt and sand during digging.
Thirty days after mating the wombat female gives birth to a bean-sized baby weighing one gram. The baby uses its front legs to drag itself into the pouch, where it stays between six and ten months.
An adult Common Wombat may   weigh between 22 and 40 kg. It is a nocturnal animal, spending two-thirds of its life underground, emerging to eat grass and other plants. The wombat we saw one night near our holiday house, was very slow and didn't even attempt to run away.

File:Wombat at Lone Pine.jpg
Photo Wikipedia

 With thanks to Denise Nesbitt,  and Roger . For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning withW.

Please don't forget to refer to the ABC Wednesday meme either by mentioning Denise Nesbitt as the creator, or by showing the logo. It sometimes happens that a person  uses a subject which has nothing to do with the letter of the week, and he or she doesn't refer to the ABC logo or to Denise Nesbitt either.


Roger Owen Green said...

I WONDER how many WOMBATS WE WILL get this WEEK!


Leslie: said...

Gee, it's actually kinda cute!

abcw team

Unknown said...

Oh, this is such a great post, Wil! I love your photos of the Wombat and I agree with Roger -- how many will there be for the W Day!! Such fun!

Arija said...

Nice one Wil. Wombats living within reach of human habitation and their rubbish often lose their shyness, they just raid the bins for free tai-aways.

photowannabe said...

It has the face of a koala bear. There sure are some fascinating creatures on this earth.

anthonynorth said...

Such amazing animals over there. Great pics.

Richard Lawry said...

There are so many amazing Australian animals. I like wombats.
An Arkies Musings

Ann said...

Different looking creature, so interesting how they live for months before coming out after birth.

Kate said...

Fascinating information. . .WHAT WE don't learn from participating on this meme!! Kate, ABC Team

Nonnie said...

I enjoy learning about the unusual animals who live in Australia!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I must say that it looks a sweet little animal Wil. Is it as nice as it looks? I love your new header.

Nana Jo said...

This is both informative and interesting. You know, I don't think I ever knew what a wombat looked like. Thank you for showing me!

Unknown said...

So cute! I don't think I've ever seen a Wombat before!

Hildred said...

Wombats sound as if they have some of the same habits as raccoons, but maybe not as aggressive and I must say more pleasant to look at.

ChrisJ said...

Do they have sharp teeth I wonder, and are they friendly or just scavengers?

Jama said...

Very informative post.


What a Wondrous animal! Amazing to think it's a mere little bean when born:) I love the photos and also the new (to me) information about these sweet creatures!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Your wormbat doesn't look very big.

magiceye said...

Cool take of the lazy wombat!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Very interesting. I didn't know these things about wombats.

Lea said...

It looks very cute and cuddly!
Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog.
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Lea's Menagerie

Leovi said...

The link to my photo of ABC is very obvious, the title of my photo is: "With a sad smile on the look", that is, begins with W of "With". Very interesting your post about Wombats. Best regards.

Hazel said...

So that's how wombats look like. It's my first time to see one up close really. I seem to forget how they look like seconds after seeing them on magazines or TV. The baby wombat is cute and cheeky :)

P.S. I love your header photo of the beautiful grandkids.


Rajesh said...

Great to know about wombat and I never knew about it before. Thanks for sharing.

Carver said...

Wonderful shots and a fascinating post about the wombats.


Just popping back in to say thank you for the interesting question about "Wilkum." Another reader (Joy from Raft of Apples) and I also looked it up and it is a 'Pennsylvanian Dutch' word! We're not far from Pennsylvania Dutch country...the cheeseshop owner (who is originally from the Netherlands) must have wanted something with combining a 'Dutch' and 'local' touch:)

A Colorful World said...

What darling animals they are! Loved the photos and the info too.

MaiThreeBoyz said...

Very interesting post. I've heard of wombats before but just got to know them better now. Thanks for the info!

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks for the up close look at wombats! And I ADORE your header photo!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such an adorable W, never saw a wombat alive yet.

The Tenderness of Wolves
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Shady Gardener said...

Wouldn't I like to see one of these in person! (In it's native habitat would be fun, too!)

Marja said...

oh they are cute Never seen them close up. Did you touch it. Is their hair soft?