Tuesday, 14 May 2013

ABC Wednesday, R for Rattling Baby

Some toys are very simple and give as much joy as the most expensive gadgets. See how the baby moves the empty box from one hand to the other hand and back again.
The baby is my youngest grandchild, but you've probably guessed that already. Here she was almost 11 months old.

 With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with R.


Cloudia said...

Congratulations on your beautiful grandchild, Wil


Roger Owen Green said...

I've long noticed that one year olds are more satisfied with the boxes and the wrapping paper than the presents inside!

Sylvia K said...

I do love your rattling and beautiful granddaughter, Wil!! What a delightful movie! Thanks for sharing the fun with us today!! Have a lovely week!

Dina said...

What a beauty! Growing up so fast.
Thanks for this heartwarming video, Wil.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

OK..Granddaughter! (I might have misidentified her in my previous comment about the header shot ;>)! She is adorable and you are so right about babies not needing fancy toys.

anthonynorth said...

I've a grandson the same age. They bring so much pleasure.

Carver said...

Your grandchild is adorable. It's so true that babies can have so much fun with every day objects. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Marleen said...

Prachtig! Ook je header foto trouwens..

photowannabe said...

So sweet Wil.
I love the expression on her face when the box didn't make noise any longer.
Wouldn't it be fun to be able to get inside these little ones heads and know what they are thinking?

Rajesh said...

Wonderful video. Thanks for sharing.

Wanda said...

Sometimes the most simple toy can be the most fun.


Aw, a beautiful sweetheart. She knows money spent on toys is not the most important thing for discovery, fun and joy! :)

Leslie: said...

Ah, so sweet! Babies are the same everywhere, aren't they?

abcw team

Nanka said...

She is a clever thinking baby!! The mind is concentrating on the sound and she seems to have guessed it right that an empty box is no fun and makes no sound!! Smart child!! Loved that video!!

Ingrid said...

I agree, the most simplest things are often the best toys ! That's just like with the cats, they love the box and not the toy which is inside, lol
ABC Team

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh, she's wonderful, Wil, so smart and so pretty! It's true, at that age, children are fascinated by almost everything, and don't need expensive toys to keep them busy. I always remember my mother letting little ones play with the lids from her kitchen pots.

Ann said...

My grandgirls used to like to rearrange my pots and pans and use them as drums. What beautiful blue eyes she has.

Unknown said...

Hello Wil,
As it looks like right now, we may (tentatively) be able to meet Monday May 27, because that is after the weekend we are in Rotterdam.
You asked me to call, but I do not have your phone number. If you rather give it on my email
Also I would need directions (we're coming from Voorburg -Rijswijkseweg) on Monday).
Hope our plan will come together:)

Ann said...

To answer your question about Holistic medicine- it's just using natural cures for illness instead of going to doctor and getting drugs.

Indrani said...

That is so cute watching her play and kind of experiment with sounds.

Anonymous said...

This is positively adorable!

Patty said...

Yes, it doesn't take too much to entertain a baby, or even a small child. They would rather play with pots, pans and lids, or big old cardboard boxes.