Tuesday, 30 April 2013

ABC Wednesday, P for Platypus

This animal was very difficult  to see , but a sculptor showed us what we could possibly expect to see if we were lucky.

 Here is what it tells us about himself:
"Burrows and Babies
I dig a long nesting burrow in which to lay my 1,2,3 small leatherly eggs.
The burrow needs tree roots to hold the structure from collapsing, and prevent soil from being washed away."

"I collect all kinds of leaves and twigs rolled in my wide flattened tail, for lining my nest. When my babies hatch they suck milk from my golden coloured belly fur and stay in the burrow for months growing very round and chubby!"

Platypus on the mainland of Australia may have their burrow entrances below the water's edge, but mine is often above and  and well hidden under tussocks.

With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with P.


Sylvia K said...

What an interesting post for the P Day, Wil!! I always love it when I learn something new!! Hope you have a great week!

Roger Owen Green said...

such a peculiar creature!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes Wil, an interesting creature indeed. I love your header - what a beautiful palace your Quee lives in.

anthonynorth said...

One of the strangest creatures, that one. Great post.

Nonnie said...

for some reason, I've always liked the sound of saying the platypus' name! it is rather an odd creature.

Leslie: said...

It sure is an intriguing animal!

abcw team


I love this unusual animal and PICK for P! One of the first animals I learned about from a childhood schoolbook:)

Hildred said...

Have always thought this an intriquing animal, Wil, so glad to get some particulars about it. I too love the sound of the name, platypus, platypus, duck billed platypus!!!

Lise said...

I've not thought about Platypus in a very long time, thanks for reminding us of this gentle animal!

magiceye said...

That was interesting

Ingrid said...

To be honest I prefer the royal family ! I watched the whole event from the beginning to the end ! My grandson is half Dutch too !