Tuesday, 9 April 2013

ABC Wednesday, M for Menorah

With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC, and thanks to Roger. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with M.

Wikipedia says: "The menorah (Hebrew: מְנוֹרָה‎ [mənoːˈɾaː]) is described in the Bible as the seven-branched ancient lampstand made of gold and used in the portable sanctuary set up by Moses in the wilderness and later in the Temple in Jerusalem. Fresh olive oil of the purest quality was burned daily to light its lamps. The menorah has been a symbol of Judaism since ancient times and is the emblem on the coat of arms of the modern state of Israel".

Photo 1 is from Wikipedia,and the last photo shows the Chanukah Menorah with eight arms + one..

This photo is taken by an unknown photographer

Photo taken in the Jewish Museum in Jerusalem
 When I was in the Jewish Museum in Jerusalem with Dina, we saw this beautiful menorah. It was good to be in the company of such a great guide like Dina. She told me a lot of Jewish traditions and holy days. This menorah is used for Chanukah.


Patty said...

Good Evening Wil, Love the photo of Mother and Baby. I'm assuming that is your daughter and her youngest. I believe she has three other children. Hope you've been well, I don't seem to get around too much to blogs like I use to, seems I spend more time on Facebook. In fact today I was busy and wasn't even able to get on the computer until around 3pm. Yesterday I was also busy, Abe and I were cleaning up the back yard, filling bags with limbs, leaves and such. I went out to help Abe with a window screen and spent about three hours helping fill the bags. Hard on the back and knee joints. Take care, beautiful little Grandbaby.

Sylvia K said...

A wonderful and informative post for the M Day, Wil! I love the pictures! Hope you have a lovely week and hopefully a bit of spring weather!!

Kay said...

It always amazes me how knowledgeable Dina is about Judaism and its history. I'm so glad you had such a great time in Jerusalem with Dina.

Leslie: said...

It was probably the first actual "candelabra." Marvelous post for our M week, Wil.

abcw team

Dina said...

M is for many memories, Wil. Glad we got to go exploring Israel together.

Roger Owen Green said...

Nice designs! Always informative.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I always wondered what this seven branched candlestick was called Wil, so thank you for the information. I love the shadows in that last shot.

anthonynorth said...

An iconic image. Great pics.

Nanka said...

Hello Reader Wil I'm back on ABC Wednesday!!
A beautiful and interesting post that I read here today!! Very informative!!

Marleen said...

Prachtige foto's en opnieuw een interessant verhaal, Wil.

Wanda said...

Beautiful images...and darling baby...what sweet smiles. Enjoyed the read and info too.

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully creative and informative post for M ~ and excellent photos ~ Enjoy ^_^

photowannabe said...

Dina definitely would have been the very best guide for the visit.
Beautiful captures of the different styles of Menorahs.

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

What great images and history!

Have a great week.


Wonderful to hear the story behind this! Even if I'd heard it before, it's such a classic. I like the great variety you've captured here - great M post!

Vicki Lane said...

Beautiful images and a perfect seasonal post.

ChrisJ said...

It was a long while before I realized just how large the menorah in the tabernacle and temple was. Those are beautiful photographs.

Jama said...

I have always love the designs on the Menorah, such a beautiful masterpiece.

Ingrid said...

Very interesting post !
ABC Team

Hildred said...

Beautiful photos, - great and informative choice for M, Wil.

Unknown said...

Beautiful reflections of the menorah, and I particularly like the dove on top! Have a great week, Wil!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Museum is always great to visit,. Love the shadow it created.

Making my rounds for letter M.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

A Colorful World said...

So, so beautiful, Wil! I am enjoying ABC Wednesday VERY much! I had never participated in the past, and I love it now! This week I am taking a break, but I will be back next week, hopefully with an interesting "N"...your post is wonderful!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge...your friend made your trip very special and now we are all benefiting.

Vagabonde said...

You show some beautiful pictures of Menorah. I have seen some elaborate ones and also modern ones in some friends home, but whatever the style it is a great symbol.