He chose a Skye terrier, about 6 months old. What was the young puppy to be called? There was no doubt, he was called ‘Bobby’ after all he was a police dog!
Bobby now became part of John Gray’s life. In 1858 John Gray died.A few days after the funeral, just after the one o'clock gun had sounded, which was the time John Gray was used to have his meal at the Traill's restaurant, the customers there were surprised to see Bobby enter it. They recognized him and felt sorry for him. They gave him a bone. He accepted it and ran away to the churchyard to his master's grave. From then on this was repeated daily.He refused to leave his master's grave which he guarded for fourteen years, till his own death in 1872.
There are no statues of cats, but there are many remarkable stories about cats. Do you know the delightful Cornish story of The Mousehole Cat? And we had a cat who once walked with us to the end of the street and waited 5 hours for us to return. However we came home by another road. When we missed him, we went looking for him and asked the neighbours if they had seen him, then we remembered that he walked with us. We went to the place where we saw him last and there he was! He was sooo happy to see us. So I wouldn't say that cats are not loyal. I am a real catlover!!
A new round of ABC Wednesday. With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created this meme.For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar or Here. This week we are looking for words beginning with A.
Dogs are terrifically loyal as this story illustrates. You don't see many memorial statues of cats do you?!
Great post for the day, Wil! I do love my doggie friend, Sam Schnauzer! He's been with me for ten years and what a great friend he is! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy! Stay warm!
I have never seen any statues of cats either. Your post reminds me of the movie Hachiko.
What a great story about the loyal dog.
It's a moving story.
Wikipedia has a list of famous cats, but it seems that there really are no statues.
Enjoyed that. Have you read Greyfriar's Bobby? A once popular read amongst British kids.
I've seen that statue of Bobby and heard the story. It is amazing, isn't it!
abcw team
Great stories Wil. Your cat is AMAZING. What a loyal ATTITUDE.
Happy to see you doing ABC Wednesday AGAIN.
Beautiful story!
Mine is Angel, please come and see.
A dog statue - never seen one before! Mostly horses, usually with riders.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Very interesting information. Good to know about loyalty of the cats. Thanks for sharing.
I loved your Amazing Animal stories. I have both a cat and a dog. They are both Amazing Animals, but I don't think they are quite as Amazing as yours.
I haven't heard that story of the Mousehole cat. I will have to look into that.
I miss my cats terribly!
Another few months of ABC wed to look forward from you!
Every time I read about Bobby, I cry all over again.
Our dog hears our car coming, and comes to the side gate, where she can see us get out. As soon as one of us reaches the side porch, she runs around to the back door to be let in. We haven't fooled her yet. She knows the sounds of both cars.
Animals are indeed Amazing, my friend.
I am both a cat and dog lover Wil. Our farm cats often come on walks with the dog - they run in front, tails in the air and then wait for us to catch up.
I love stories about the loyalty of animals. It just proves what I have always known that they are such special, pure creatures.
Bless that cat for waiting so long. Dogs usually get the glory but cats have often proven loyality by traveling miles to reunite with their families.
Great post.
what a beautiful story. same thing with the balto dog who save the town from sickness
Visiting from ABC Wednesday and RT
Enjoyed the story of Bobby and your own sweet cat!
Absolutely amazing!
I have always loved the story of Bobby the dog, what a loyal cat you had!
Very touching stories, Wil, - since we lost our dear Caspar Charles has started a relationship with Miss Callie, the cat, and she sits on his knee and watches for him when he's out and about - not the undying layalty of a dog, but still a nice companionship. For me she has only 'cupboard love'.
I'm impressed by both these tales. Moving, for sure. I have no animals, haven't had for years and sometimes miss that...
That's a very touching story. I think I have heard it already, isn't it because of him the British policemen are called "Bobby" ?
Love cats and dogs. I'd have a dozen of each if I could! Since there are no statues to cats, I think I should give some thought to rectifying this!
That is such a touching story.
Hi Reader Wil,
You are right, I laugh when i see dogs taken out to places, and nobody take their cats. I don't have a dog or a cat, I just feel it is so funny.
The environment is my passion. I love writing about protecting it. I was fortunate that I met up with Oliver after he left in 1978. Good that we share the same passion too.
I SOOOOO love your header! We have a canal in Ottawa where folks skate. Great to get outdoors.
Thanks for visiting!
I remember reading the story of Greyfriars Bobby in my grandparents' encyclopedia -- about sixty years ago!
A wonderful A post! I love the story of Greyfriers Bobby! And yes, cats ARE loyal too!
nice posts thanks for sharing!
That truly is an amazing dog story!
cute dog statue. loved the details :) My "A" for ABC Wednesday.
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