Thought for the day. Hold Hands. Remember.
This was the front page of my newspaper.There are many stories of survivors. Anders Breivik is full of hatred,but I hope that he cannot win of the Norwegians, who unite in love and who are firmly convinced that they will never give in to terrorism. I admire the calm and strong Norwegian people.I hope that the rest of the world follow this example.
And this is the Norwegian site where you can sign.It says: "Hold Hands". Let's all be united.
This is a nice gesture of solidarity.
Have they passed a million already?
My name is there too.
I was so horrified by what happened in Norway.
I send them love and support from New York.
This was such a cowardly and horrific act. I heard the most severe penalty they have is 20years in prison as the crime rate is so low there. That monster deserves life in prison. I hope they find a way to do that.
I love that the people are uniting. They certainly have my support.
Thanks for sharing this here Wil. I would not have seen it anywhere else, I don't think. I think it is a very nice way to say "united we will survive this horrible act". Most newspapers would not report the news in such a way as this.
I think this is a wonderful gesture. Many years ago my family and I took part in "Hands Across America" a similar event to show that Americans were united in the face of adversity. (Perhaps we should do that again).
We have to stand united and unafraid in the face of evil.
I admire the Norwegians also and my heart breaks for them. I still can't understand the why of it all.
It is hard to imagine that the peaceful and beautiful downtown Oslo that we last summer was shattered by such a horrific act. Thank you for posting this.
It was shocking when I read about the incident first, but I am impressed the way the Norwegians reacted. Great gesture this.
What a nice gesture. We all need to hold hands. Especially in times of so much hatred around the world.
I don't see how to sign the page you said to go to, or isn't it possible for me to sign?
What a beautiful gesture Holding hands is such a strong symbol for uniting
I believe hope is the one thing we must all cling to when such devastating events crash upon us daily.
I am signing up at this site.
Fred og kjærlighet!:-)
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