Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Flood in Cairns, Queensland

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Cairns is our place of arrival in Australia and the place from where we leave again. I stayed here quite often in motels or holiday parcs. These floods often happen , but I wouldn't like this and my greatest fear is that we will ever be flooded in the Netherlands. And that wouldn't be the first time!


Carol Murdock said...

Isn't the weather just crazy these days? Perhaps it was always this way but we just have access to more information now days.
Anyway sending good vibes your way
that you won't experiance any flooding Wil..........
I tropical weather has turned 'cold' and sent me seaching for real winter wear!

Reader Wil said...

Thank you Carol, you are so kind! Let's hope we all get the best weather there is! My daughter rang me on Monday to say that they also had a lot of rain but just enough to be happy with. The rainforest surrounding her house had been too dry for a long time, so it needed a lot of rain.

Anonymous said...

We need some of that water in Texas but it seems when it rains, it pours.....literally. I hope you don't get flooded. We're expecting record lows tomorrow and some snow flurries and it's a day of travel......of course. *sigh*

Reader Wil said...

Midlife Slices thanks. I hate rain, and I prefer snow. I have a cape, but if I have to cycle, it is unavoidable yo get wet.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...I don't like to see floods for a variety of reasons. This one looks pretty bad to me.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Hope you don't get floods! Rain is refreshing and great for the plants, but in reasonable quantities!

A Scattering said...

I really like your new header photo, something very peaceful about it.

Patty said...

That looks so bad, hope your daughter and family are doing ok.

Arija said...

Isn't it ironic, Queensland is ssuffering from floods and a few thousand km we are south, we are suffering form drought.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Flooding is something we have to deal with every year during hurricane season. It's very unnerving. I am sending warm, dry, cozy thoughts your way.

Barbara Martin said...

How awful. The weather world wide has gone topsy-turvy, not to mention the position of the sun during the day. I was out waiting for the bus this afternoon at 2pm and noticed the sun was located at a summer position of 7pm. Several years ago I was paying attention to the position of the sun at a particular time of day: most days the sun was where it was supposed to be, with an odd day or two where it wasn't.

I think it all has to do with the earth's rotation slowing on its axis.

Cloudia said...

Tropic floods. We have them too. Henry Gonsalves kinows that, eh?
Aloha my friend!

Tootie said...

Wil, I do hope you stay dry. Floods are very scary indeed. I loved looking at all of your little critter photos on the side. They're very cute.

Reader Wil said...

Abe, well I agree with you ! The main reason is, that even if the flood is not bad and ankle deep, is spoils your furniture and the floor of your house. In the worst case there will be people and animals drowning.

Reader Wil said...

Yes Raph, that's true: reasonable quantities. But it never rains, but it pours in those tropical areas.

Reader Wil said...

Hi Elaine I'll try to renew my header any time with another peaceful picture.

Reader Wil said...

Hi Patty, thanks yes she is okay, even talking of seeing me here in Holland this year.

Reader Wil said...

Yes Arija, it is! People are so clever nowadays, but the weather is out of hand nobody can change that.

Reader Wil said...

Smart Mouth Broad thank you so much for the dry, cozy thoughts! I hope you will be safe too, out of the way of hurricanes. We read a lot about them and we see it on TV. It's horrible.

Reader Wil said...

Barbara, that is frightening to think that the rotation of the earth is slowing on its axis. Did you read about it?

Reader Wil said...

Yes you have tropical floods too, Cloudia. And probably hurricanes? Or erruptions of volcanoes?
Let's hope we won't have that in our lifetime. Aloha!

Reader Wil said...

Tootie, thank you! I hope we all stay dry out of harm's way and healthy this year. I think I leave the little critters in my sidebar!

Michele said...

Whoa, those floods waters are crazy... very scary. I would rather have 6 feet of snow dumped on me than all that water anytime!
Be safe!

I was going to email u with specifics but no email to be found but that's ok. Just letting u know, My Butterflies blog shut down =(
I had no choice to start up new one...
If you want, u can visit that one in my blogs if u haven't already.

Reader Wil said...

Yes Michele, I also prefer snow and fortunately we haven't got that amount of rain in my country! But as we were in Australia this summer with my daughter I am interested in Cairns. Take care! Hugs

Anonymous said...

The water is wide,have no wings to fly, it is like a jewel when first it came,but when it comes like that!
Funny that water can fall so far away and still so close by hey...
veel liefs from a blondie who some call the onstuimige

Reader Wil said...

Hi Alex, thanks for the visit! See you soon!

bass said...

That's bad Wil, we oftentimes have flood here too and a very bad one. Yes, I've seen the video of the major flood in NL. It was shown to us by our "docenten" during our taal les, refresher course. That was bad huh...saddening.

Reader Wil said...

Hi Skies fortunately this is not so bad as it looks. It happens about every year in Cairns or so I am told. In my country we are still well protected by the dykes.

Anonymous said...

No thanks Lady will, I just like to watch and pass by ones in a while...
Blondie._.58 p.s. was dat water van Elizabethsvloed of die van "56

Liz Welch. said...

I don't think we need anymore rain in North Queensland for quite a while.It rained in The Whitsundays non stop for 8 weeks.
Liz Welch.