Mont Orgueil was built in the 13th century to protect JERSEY from French invasion.
Mont Orgueil (Jerriais: 'Mount Pride' or 'Haughty Mount') is a castle in Jersey that overlooks the harbour of Gorey. It is also called Gorey Castle by English-speakers, and lé Vièr Châté (the Old Castle) by Jèrriais-speakers.
The island of JERSEY and the other Channel Islands represent the last remnants of the medieval Duchy of Normandy that held sway in both France and England. JERSEY lies in the Bay of Mont St Michel and is the largest of the Channel Islands. It has enjoyed self-government since the division of the Duchy of Normandy in 1204.

I have never been on JERSEY, but I always watched the TV series Bergerac, which was a British television show set on JERSEY. JOHN Nettles (who later starred in the British crime series Midsomer Murders as Tom Barnaby) played the part of JIM Bergerac.
JERSEY has been an island for approximately 8,000 years . The earliest evidence of human activity in the island dates to about 250,000 years ago when hunters used the caves at La Cotte de St Brelade as a base for hunting mammoth. The Neolithic period is marked by the building of the ritual burial sites known as dolmens. Archaeological evidence shows that there were trading links with Brittany and the south coast of England during this time.

Although part of the Roman world, we know very little about the island until the 11th century. The Channel Islands, then called the Lenur Islands, were occupied by the Britons during their migration to Brittany (5th-6th century).Tradition has it that it was Saint Helier from Tongeren in modern-day Belgium who first brought Christianity to the Island in the 6th century, and Charlemagne sent his emissary to the island in 803.
The island took the name JERSEY as a result of Viking activity in the area between the 9th and 10th centuries. The Channel Islands remained politically linked to Brittany until 933 when William Longsword, Duke of Normandy seized the Cotentin and the islands and added them to his domain; in 1066 Duke William II of Normandy defeated Harold at Hastings to become king of England; however, he continued to rule his French possessions as a separate entity.
With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC.For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar . This week we are looking for words beginning with J.
J'ai visité Jersey (et Guernesey ): De bons souvenirs avec ce billet et ces belles photos!
Dat eiland ken ik niet maar die serie natuurlijk wel.... en heel toevallig zag ik laatst nog een aflevering ervan..... ben zo wie zo fan van hem overigens, ben nu bezig alle afleveringen van Midomer bij elkaar te sparen... geweldig.
Lieve groet, hoop dat het weer goed met je gaat overigens!
This an interesting bit of history.
This must be a newer series, because I can't recall it:) But the view is beautiful, Wil! And as usual you give an interesting history - which I appreciate:)
Very interesting info about Jersey, and so nice to see a picture of John Nettles when he was young!!
It would be lovely to see the island of Jersey.
This surely looks a great place with lot to see. Thanks for sharing.
Zo leer je nog eens wat :)
Bedankt en een fijne dag vandaag
Very interesting!
Hope you are having a great week!
Great post and wonderful photos of a beautiful place ~ TV show must have been good too.
Thanks for visiting ~
Happy Week to you ~ ^_^
I really only remember the car from Bergerac and for some reason not the scenery. For a small place, a lot of history.
Great choice for J. Interesting read about Jersey.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
I think I would have really enjoyed this show. The Island is beautiful, love learning history of the world.
I'm always fascinated by history, especially when it's something new to me. Blessings!
What a pretty place. I've watched some episodes of Bergerac in reruns but don't remember the scenery. Thanks for sharing.
You gave us a very interesting post about the history of Jersey and some lovely photos. I wish I had visited Jersey and Guernesey but never did. I became interested in these Anglo-French islands when I read about Victor Hugo while in school. Victor Hugo was exiled in these islands for over 15 years. Many restaurants, hotels, etc., bear his name in remembrance. You can read about it (in French) here: http://www.axl.cefan.ulaval.ca/europe/VictorHugo.htm.
Interesting bits of real history; I always learn so much from you. And on a "not real" note .. we are watching "Midsomer Murders" on Netflix right now -- and is that really the same guy in that picture? Wow. A long time ago!
Jersey is a lovely spot.
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