Thursday, 26 April 2012

Sky Watch, Israel,

I added this song of Pete Seeger which was sung today by a great Norwegian crowd in front of the court of law where the lawsuit against Anders Breivik is going on, as a protest to his ideas.Anders Breivik hates this song. He says that children are brainwashed with it.

En himmel full av stjerner.
Blått hav så langt du ser.
En jord der blomster gror.
Kan du ønske mer ?
Sammen skal vi leve
hver søster og hver bror.
Små barn av regnbuen
og en frodig jord.

One blue sky above us
One ocean lapping all our shore
One earth so green and round
Who could ask for more
And because I love you
I'll give it one more try
To show my rainbow race
It's too soon to die.

Sky Watch is hosted each week by the Sky Watch team of Sandy,and Sylvia. And this week as every week, we remember Klaus and know that he joins us in spirit! .
It's always a pleasure to participate, and see all the other skies around the world. If you want to see other skies please click on the logo in the side bar.

One day we walked in a woody area outside Jerusalem. It is a beautiful, hilly place. In the distance we could see Hadassah Medical Center high on the hills.Then a little bit further we had a good view of Jerusalem. The sky was clouded with here and there some blue, but we had no rain.

To see more details you can click on the photos!


The Weaver of Grass said...

There is something so peaceful about the sky isn't there, Wil - I particularly like it when there is blue sky and fluffy clouds as in your first picture.

Sylvia K said...

I'm always fascinated by the changes in the skies and how quickly they can change! I do love the blue ones with the fluffy clouds! Lovely captures for the day, Wil! Hope you have a great weekend!


Kay said...

Happy Skywatch, Wil. I'm glad you had such a great time in Jerusalem.

Steffi said...

Great choice of photos for SWF and a good song on video.Have a nice time in Jerusalem.

Mildred said...

Very nice shots and music!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Happy day****

Rajesh said...

Beautiful scenic place. Thanks for sharing.

HansHB said...

You will find the text by googling Lillebjørn Nilsen (the songwriter and singer) The song is called:
"En himmel full av stjerner.."

Great photos!
Happy SkyWatch to you!

Unknown said...

Beautiful scenes!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I loved Pete Seeger and although I don't know about the protest you mention, his songs were always good for rallying the crowds and expressing what most of us can't!

Your skies are lovely.

Light and Voices said...

My heart's desire to travel to Israel someday. I'm going to go listen to the song now.
Joyce M

Catherine said...
That's the link to the Norwegian song that 40,000 people sang in Oslo today in solidarity and it is very moving, I posted the two song versions on my Facebook page here

Thanks for sharing it as I didn't realise it was a Pete Seeger song and after Bruce Springsteen's Seeger Sessions I was totally sold on him! I think I missed him first time round as I might have been a few years too young for being a real hippie in the 60s!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thank you Wil. Now that I know the context, listening to the song again brought even more tears to my eyes.Thanks again (for posting and for answering my question.)

Hildred said...

Lovely photos, Wil, - very touched by the Pete Seeger song.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Glorious sky! Have a great weekend Wil!

Sky Shots at my page.

Dianne said...

I can imagine walking along that road Wil and seeing glimpses of Jerusalem far in the distance ..... a very different perspective of this wonderful old city and the surrounds.

Anonymous said...

I was so inspired by Norwegians singing this song yesterday.

Arkansas Patti said...

That is one sick man and I hope they sang loud enough for him to hear. He ruined so many lives.
Love the song.

Laura said...

beautiful skies!

Linda said...

Such lovely photos. Great post, thank you for sharing.

Dina said...

It was nice hiking with you, Wil.

genie said...

What gorgeous skies and the hillsides are so pretty. Your captures are lovely. Last night my husband and I were talking about how much we would like to visit Israel. genie

Amber Star said...

I was at Arkasas Patti's place and saw your post about "that evil man" and thought I'd come by to see who that might be. You are very right about that evil man. He is that for sure.

I thought I was about the only one who remembered Pete Seeger. :D I grew to adulthood listening to him and many like him.

Happy Birthday to your Queen.