Tuesday, 24 April 2012

ABC Wednesday, O for Old City in Jerusalem

There are eight gates giving access to the Old City. Seven of them are open to people and even cars. The eighth is called the Golden Gate and is sealed. It will only open on Judgement Day.
It was wonderful to walk in those narrow winding streets and seeing them full of life like 2000 years ago.

The Old City is probably the most interesting part of Jerusalem and the most important site in Israel.
The walls around the Old City are over 400 years old.The Turkish ruler Suleiman The Magnificent was responsible for most of what remains today of the walls, which were constructed during 1538 and 1541. Other parts date back to the Crusaders and even further back to King Herod. The walls represent layer upon layer of history.

With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar or Here. This week we are looking for words beginning with O.


Sylvia K said...

What an incredible trip you had, Wil! And such a beautiful, wonderful and historical place! I would love to visit there, but your photos are the next best thing! Thank you so much for sharing! Hope your week is going well!


Arti said...

What a beautiful place. Such stunning captures.
Loved them, Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice week ahead:)

Patty said...

This must have been a wonderful trip. Hope all is well with you and family. It's cold here this morning 39F, but sun is out nice and bright. Thanks for your visits.

anthonynorth said...

I'd love to visit there. A wonderful place.

photowannabe said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip with us.
The Old City was especially interesting to me and seeing the layers upon layers of history before our eyes.
I would love to visit there again.

Leslie: said...

These are some stunning photos! Some seem a bit strange, though, seeing the electric wires hanging across the streets. I guess I just think of the city as still being the same as it was so long ago. But I love the rock walls and the underground cave-like rooms. Looks as though you had a wonderful trip.

abcw team

Hazel said...

How charming! I'm a fan of old like this. Would love to visit too.

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful photos, my friend, and another very interesting post about Jerusalem.

Anonymous said...

Jerusalem is always like a holiday


MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

Great shots of the Old City - and wonderful choice for "O".

Arkansas Patti said...

Loved the slide show. It was like taking a trip back in time. I would have been covered in goosebumps had I been there.
You can almost feel those who came before.

Ania said...

I would like to visit Jerusalem one day...

Hildred said...

I am so thankful for friends in blogland who visit around the world and share with us stay-at-homes!

Roger Owen Green said...

I really need to get to the Holy Land someday...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Chubskulit Rose said...

It would be great if I can even set my foot in Jerusalem!

O is for....
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

A Colorful World said...

What an incredible trip you had, Wil! I know it is something you will always treasure, getting to be there. We can only imagine what it must have been like! I loved the slide show. Thank you so much for sharing all of this!

Unknown said...

very interesting post--especially the 8th gate. Jerusalem is one of the places I'd like to see before i kick the bucket.:p

O is for...

Anonymous said...

Interesting and lovely pics too.

magiceye said...

very interesting

Gordon said...

Oh what a great look at the Old City; thanks for sharing.

Gattina said...

Very interesting and beautiful pictures, gave me a nice sightseeing !

Carver said...

Outstanding post for O. I enjoyed the narrative and photographs very much. Carver ABC-Wed. Team

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

The Old City is not only interesting, but beautiful!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That has to be the most wonderful trip to take -- what a blessing to be able to see that. Thank you for sharing!

ChrisJ said...

Love the old stone walls and especially love the history of Jerusalem. I have read some of Josephus and found it fascinating

Lisa said...

This would be a fascinating opportunity! To walk those historic roads would be awe-inspiring.