Sunday, 27 December 2009

Bench of the Week, in the snow!

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Please sit down! And have a nice piece of Christmas cake and a cup of hot coffee. These are two benches in my garden.

RuneE of Visual Norway
began this informal meme on "Bench of the Week". Please visit his site for other participants. PERBS has a whole site dedicated to benches called "For the Love of Benches", which is going on for two years and every day she posts a new bench.


Miss_Yves said...

Ils sont très beaux, et merci pour la pause-café ou thé avec petits gâteaux !
J'ai toujours des bancs en réserve mais je n'ai pas encore fait un blog spécial ...

Dina said...

Lovely. I'd love to join you for that cake and coffee, well, maybe not on the bench.
But it would be funny if you could get someone to sit on the snow and then take a picture.

My Family Daily Adventure said...

It's cool and interesting too. Can you stay longer there?

Anyway, blessings to you this New Year.

Rune Eide said...

No reason to feel ashamed about that amount of snow! For your sake I'm glad that it is almost gone. I wish I could say the same about our snow...

Vicki Lane said...

They look so soft . . . but beware!

Kay said...

I love your frozen bench, Wil. I would have the hardest time with this meme. I don't see many benches around in Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if it is true now, but when I used to work in town, the City removed all of the benches to prevent the homeless from sleeping on them.


Carol Murdock said...

Hey Wil! I really WISH I could sit there with you! xoxo

James said...

I would love to have some Christmas cake and coffee but I'll stand because the benches look cold. :) Great shots the bench looks like the ones around here last week.

Anya said...

Ik kom graag bj U koffie drinken maar niet op die bank !!
Te koud
Ik maak bij de volgende sneeuwbui wel een sneeuwpop voor U kunnen we die erop zetten :-)
Fijne avond !!

Anya said...

Ik woon maar 45 minuten
bij U vandaan
bij de eerstvolgende sneeuwstorm kom ik en dan neem ik Kareltje mee :-)
Maken we samen een reuzesneeuwpop
(grapje ....)

Elisabeth said...

That looks to be a great bench, Reader, as if in a postcard, but as in a postcard, it's not for sitting.

Renie Burghardt said...

Those benches look picturesque but cold, with all the snow. Do you get a lot of snow in your country, Wil? We haven't had any yet this year, and I'm happy about that! It creares havoc in these steep hills!

I wish you many blessings in the new year. Happy New Year!



Anonymous said...

What an amazing idea. Beautiful put in scene by your photography.
Please have a wonderful start into the new week.

Unknown said...

Oh my word! Look at that bench completely covered in snow. I guess I won't sit there for a break : )

Etje said...

Het lijkt wel 'wat' dat erop die bank ligt

PERBS said...

Oh wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at all that beautiful snow on those two lovely benches in your garden!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooo jealous! Thanks for the link to my bench blog!

If I were there, I would not mind sitting on that snow. We haven't had any this year so far. Last Christmas, we had two feet of snow on the ground and it snowed all day Christmas too.

Arija said...

It would be lovely and soft to sit down on all that fluff. I'd love to join you Wil.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

35 year ago, I sat on a frozen bench by the Detroit river, and thoguht to myself, all my life, i dreamt of a white christmas, now I was in the white christmas land, it is not so "hot"

XoXo said...

Eeeww! Ik wil niet...het is zeker te koud. Ik wens u een goede 2010! Groetjes...

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

The benches covered in cushions of snow look beautiful, perhaps a bit cold to sit on. Yes, Christmas is nice to sit together with a piece of cake and a nice cup of coffee.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Thanks, Wil, but can I come in to sit. Those benches look pretty cold. :-) And I would love some cocoa, thank you.