Click on the photos to enlarge!
Every Australian knows what XXXX means.This is a brand of the strongest kind of beer in Australia. In fact drinking beer is almost part of the Australian "culture". As a result of this often heavily drinking there are many alcoholics and people who are members of the AA.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of men and women
who share their experience, strength and hope with each other
that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover
from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to
stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; they
are self-supporting through their own contributions. A.A. is not allied
with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does
not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. The primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
BTW, the young men in the photo are no alcoholics!
Imagine a pub with no beer.
ABC is created by Denise Nesbitt .For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar or Here. This week we are looking for words beginning with X.
I quit drinking one day And the best is to place a beer bottle within the refrigerator And talk daily - will not drink And drinking will be STOP.
The pictures of Australia with snow flakes falling in them --cheers to you, Wil. :D
Interesant om te lezen
zelf drink ik geen bier eerlijk gezegd ik drink niks van alcohol!!
Maar U hebt toch iets gevonden met de letter X.
Bij deze wil ik U een prettige jaarwisseling wensen
en een goede gezondheid in 2010 :-)
Ik heb al 2x wafels gebakken
( is typisch limburgs..)
en de oliebollen koop ik bij de bakker.
Tot het volgend jaar :-)
hihi... dat klinkt !!
I drink beer (Beck's) but prefer champagne.
La bannière avec le canal gelé est superbe!
Ce genre d'association existe aussi en France
Aujourd'hui, j'ai écrit quelque chose sur le cidre et le calvados...à consommer avec modération, bien sûr!
Cider or sparkling wine for me -- though beer does go well with Mexican and Indian food.
I love the snowy pictures in your sidebar -- as well as the header!
That sure sounds like a very strong beer, XXXX. Nothing can compare to a cold beer at a hot summer night. Happy New Year!
Four X's, huh? You know, Mexico makes a beer with the Double X called, Dos Equis (XX). I don't know if I spelled it correctly, but you get the drift!
And those boats-frozen in time! Brrrr!!!
I don't like beer at all, but I bet my sweetie would LOVE that XXXX kind. But a pub with no beer wouldn't be a pub at
Oh no, where did the falling snow go?! It was a nice effect, like something you might see after have a few XXXX beers. LOL
Thanks for the video song, Wil. You always find appropriate music for your posts.
P.S. Wil, please come back some time to discuss your comment on + .
I did not mean to infer that it is a present-day attitude.
It sounds like a strong beer.. I do not drink at all:-)
Wish you a Happy New Year!
wish I had a tolerance for beer. just can't drink it.
I used to enjoy beer, today it's a little wine, but I love your post for the day and it does look inviting, Wil! Wishing you a very Happy New Year! Enjoy!
Love your banner photo Reader Wil. Its gorgeous. Interesting and original choice for the letter X.
AA is a great organization. I have seen many lives turned around because of it.
Voici le poème d'où est tirée cette phrase :
"L'odeur de mon pays
L'odeur de mon pays était dans une pomme.
Je l'ai mordue avec les yeux fermés du somme,
Pour me croire debout dans un herbage vert.
L'herbe haute sentait le soleil et la mer,
L'ombre des peupliers y allongeaient des raies,
Et j'entendais le bruit des oiseaux, plein les haies,
Se mêler au retour des vagues de midi...
Combien de fois, ainsi, l'automne rousse et verte
Me vit-elle, au milieu du soleil et, debout,
Manger, les yeux fermés, la pomme rebondie
De tes prés, copieuse et forte Normandie ?...
Ah! je ne guérirai jamais de mon pays!
N'est-il pas la douceur des feuillages cueillis
Dans la fraîcheur, la paix et toute l'innocence?
Et qui donc a jamais guéri de son enfance ?..."
Lucie DELARUE-MARDRUS, Ferveur (1902)
Lucie Delarue-Mardrus
I'm a life long beer drinker - in moderation. It's a monster that can easily get out of hand, so I keep a tight grip and enjoy the little I have.
You should try 'Holts' Sixex' - now there's a strong one.
Ohh now I understand why the beer is called XXX ^_^ Happy New Year!
ABC Wednesday:Xerophyte
Thank you for the laugh!
Happy New Year,
Four X beer is some beer. Here in Melbourne my contemporaries, the ones ho drink beer mostly drink beer from overseas, including Stella and Heineken. Funny that.
Interesting indeed.
Visited an Irish Pub being twenty years of age for the first time, admit that I did fall in love with both, its music and Guinness as well.
Yet, know when to turn to my beloved tea as well. Please have a wonderful Wednesday.
How funny is that? The picture is perfect! I don't drink beer. If I was going to drink I am pretty sure I wouldn't drink anything called XXXXX : )
Intersting name for a beer!
I'm not a beer drinker at all, but i doubt a pub without beer would stay in business very long:) XXXX must be very strong indeed!
Music is great and I loved the bottle with the double handles, lying on its back, relaxing after a few too many (no doubt).
Jaja er zijn veel verschillende soorten bier op de wereld, proef wel eens graag van zo'n speciaal biertje maar moet bij proeven blijven he
They also said that Irish Pubs would die when they banned public smoking in Ireland. No such thing - I can testify to the life in the Dubliner's favourite pub in Dublin - without smoke. One could actually see the beer (though it was not XXXX - which I , BTW, has never tasted.
It is sad that some people do not know the difference between one and very many. I wish AA all the best in its work.
Happy New Year!
Beautiful post. Only credentials for membership is "desire to stop drinking". This is the most difficult one and a must.
Thirty five years ago, I'd have fit right in Australia. Been dry that long but won't say I don't miss it sometimes, except for that awful next day. Yuck.
AA is a wonderful group. So glad they are world wide.
In Belgium we have more than 1000 beer brands and beer is not considered as alcohol, lol ! but I think nobody knows XXXX !
An interesting take on X! Well done! I knew about the 'Four X' beer of course, but hadn't thought about it in connection with alcoholism, because here, beer is usually not strong enough to be the tipple of choice - or lead to alcoholism in the first place.
I didn't know of XXXX beer but am familiar with Dos Equis XX. Interesting X!
Very good!
Nice pick for the letter "X"
Beautiful image of boats frozen in ice.
I wish you and yours a very happy and inspirational 2010 Wil
Wil je ook een fijn en gelukkig 2010 wensen en dat al je wensen in vervulling mogen gaan
I am glad to know those young men aren't alcoholics! Firrst time I heard of XXXX beer. Good choice for your meme.
I just wanted to wish you a Happy New year now that it is 2010 even tho I am signed in on my new blog name, I still do my bench blog under the old name.
Thanks, Wil...
I have found some nice photos from 2007 and 2008 that I would like to use in my blogs but last night was a bad night for me and I didn't get much rest. Most of the time I had one coughing fit after another. I thought I would try to just say, "thanks" to those who stopped today. I appreciate the comments, visits and prayers. I hope things will get back to normal soon.
Yes, Wil, have been to the doctor, 3 times and go again on the 4th. She wanted to see more progress in my lungs and breathing and less coughing. Thanks again for your visits.
Good evening Wil, hope you have a wonderful New Year and it turns out to be the best ever. It's cold here this evening, 18 above zero and temp is dropping. Probably get down to around 9 above before morning. I know the one young fellow is your Grandson. Waiting for our daughter and granddaughter to be getting home from a movie. Sleep well tonight. I hope Abe does, he was up most of the night coughing last night.
Bonne année!
Really? When we were in Australia, they told us that their beer was weaker than what we have in the U.S. Hmmm... maybe it was the other way around... I've got such a bad memory. I do remember liking Aussie beer.
AA is big in the US too! Have to say though that the longer I live in the USA the more I wonder if there may be more alcoholics in Eur. that is recognized
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