Tuesday, 14 April 2015

ABC Wednesday, N for National Archaeological Museum.

We didn't want to miss the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. Although this was not a place where Paul was present, but it showed us what articles were used at his time.

The National Archaeological Museum  in Athens houses some of the most important artifacts from a variety of archaeological locations around Greece from prehistory to late antiquity. It is considered one of the greatest museums in the world and contains the richest collection of artifacts from Greek antiquity worldwide.



Wikipedia:Gorgons were  popular images in Greek mythology, appearing in the earliest of written records of Ancient Greek religious beliefs such as those of Homer, which may date to as early as 1194–1184 BC. Because of their legendary and powerful gaze that could turn one to stone, images of the Gorgons were put upon objects and buildings for protection. An image of a Gorgon holds the primary location at the pediment of the temple at Corfu, which is the oldest stone pediment in Greece, and is dated to c. 600 BC.



  Mycenaean civilization originated and evolved from the society and culture of the Early and Middle Helladic periods in mainland Greece. It emerged in circa 1600 BC when Helladic culture in mainland Greece was transformed under influences from Minoan Crete.

Here some examples of Mycenaean Art.


 Other artefacts such as jewellery.


 Ostracism. An interesting voting system!!



With thanks to Denise Nesbitt,  who created ABC, and Roger, who took over from her. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with N


Sylvia K said...

Oh, I do love Greece and spent some wonderful time there -- years ago, but the memories are still sharp and clear!! Thank you so much for such a beautiful post, Wil, and wonderful captures!! Hope you have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

So much history housed here. What a great treasure of a museum.

Trubes said...

Hi Wil, I enjoyed reading all this. I haven't been to mainland Greece although have visited the Greek islands, including Kos and Zathynkos.
The most interesting historical artefact we saw was a very old gnarled tree with railings around it and a plaque erected at the front.
Apparently it is The Tree of Hippocrates, who was considered to be the Father of medicine.
Paul of Tarsus apparently taught there too. This must be of interest to you Wil as I think you have been following in the steps of St Paul.
We seem to have a link here because I wrote about St Luke recently, who accompanied Paul on his journeys, Whilst Paul is accredited to writing about half the New Testament. Luke also wrote a great amount too, particularly, the Gospel according to St Luke and The Acts etc...Ironically my post was about Links, St Paul and St Luke !
oh and not forgetting Mary's house /chapel in Turkey,
doesn't it make you wonder how they endured such travels without the luxury of cars and planes we all get around in...Just one strong Donkey each!
best wishes,
ABCW team.

ABCW team.

Roger Owen Green said...

Ostracism sounds like some TV shows such as Survivor where they vote someone off the island!


Photo Cache said...

I love hte jewelry and the pottery the best.


Rajesh said...

Beautiful artifacts of glorious past on display. I like it.

Ingrid said...

Unfortunately I didn't visit this museum because of lack of time, must be very interesting.

ABC Team


Shesha Chaturvedi said...

Woah!!! I love visiting museums and knowing about the gone years. Evry culture is so rich. Till now I have mostly seen the ones in India in different states.
The statues are carved with the traditional dresses with so much finesse.
Learned a new word today - Ostracism... A system of voting out the least desired!
P.s. I would love to have that jewellery, each and every piece. It looks so gorgeous!!! **drool! Lol

Obsessivemom said...

I've read about the gorgons - Medusa was one, right? That jewellery looks pretty wearable.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Goodness politics was a harsh game back then! What a wonderful place to make history come alive. Thank you for sharing Wil.

Joy said...

As our national elections are next month I would like the 'ostracism' option.
I've enjoyed many museum visits in Greece but unfortunately never made it to the one in Athens.

Amy Barlow Liberatore/Sharp Little Pencil said...

Wil, one of your best posts yet! Well, I cannot WAIT to have the Ostracism Vote added to US ballots, ha ha ha. Seems like there would be no one left in Congress. Of course, our president has had two terms, so he is "ostracized" like all the rest after 2016... As for the gold, wow. And the Gorgons? My mother's slanted gaze could turn our insides to jelly, but she had nothing on these guys! As far as the writers of Paul, there were three distinct voices in the letters that were added to the Bible. None of the Gospel writers ever wrote in their own hand. It was all oral tradition passed down in their names. And don't forget Mary Magdelene's Gospel, which was excluded by the Men in Skirts at Nicea, right? GREAT STUFF! Look at all the thoughtful comments! Amy

Unknown said...

Mooie foto's weer WIll en een mooi verslag erbij maar jouw kopfoto spant de kroon.....

Zou daar graag eens staan en naar beneden kijken, het uitzicht moet wel formidabel zijn ;-)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Wow! What a thrill to be around ancient history.
The View from the Top of the Ladder

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- very interesting. I haven't heard about the ostracism voting- sounds like something that might be helpful nowadays!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

these jars are well preserved. I always like museums.