Tuesday, 31 March 2015

ABC Wednesday, Greece, L for Lonely Life at the Top


On our way to the Meteora we stopped at Kalambaka for lunch. We were fascinated by the high and strangely shaped mountains. I had  never seen anything like these rocks.

I shall write more about the Meteora in my post of the letter M.

Living conditions are very complicated on these strange and steep mountains. I'll write more about this in my next post.

 High on the tops of these mountains, monasteries were built.  People live here their, sometimes, lonely lives.



This post is dedicated to the letter L, and we thank Mrs. Denise Nesbitt for creating this meme. You can participate in this game. You only should find a photo or a subject in poetry or the name of a famous person....beginning with L.

And... please refer to Mrs. Nesbitt and the ABC on Wednesday. You can also put the logo in your sidebar or post. If you have any problems please contact one of the team members.


Cloudia said...

Always interesting, Wil

ALOHA from Honolulu

Sylvia K said...

Such a dramatically beautiful place, Wil, and your captures are superb as always!! Hope you have a great week ahead!!

Kay said...

What fabulous photos, Wil. I wish we could have seen more of Greece than the Parthenon last year. Perhaps someday...

Unknown said...

Ik vroeg me al af of je bij de Grieken zou blijven... en dat deed je, leuk!!

Fijne week Wil.

Trubes said...

Hello Wil:
They are most unusual peaks and living up in that mountain range must be very lonely, But then, men of god are happy just to communicate with their god and pray in silent contemplation. Perhaps being so high up makes them feel nearer to God.

Best wishes,

ABCW team.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful views of the place. Thanks for sharing.

Anita Sabat said...

Looks like a great place.
Yes, living conditions are tough and it does get lonely at the top.
Nice pics as usual, Wil!
Have a great week!

Roger Owen Green said...

I LOVE your travelogues!

Berowne said...

That's my idea of a really good post, where I always learn something new. Thanx for sharing.

Nonnie said...

Since I subscribe to Saint of the Day, I've read about so many saints who were hermits. This area would have appealed to some, I think. Since I live alone, there are times that I think a place like this would appeal to me. Those mountains are unusual and lovely. I'm eager to see more of Greece through your eyes.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It does look desolate and one can imagine lonely. Always interesting post on the theme.

Anonymous said...

Such an amazing place to visit...

Photo Cache said...

Incredible scenery. Almost unbelievable.


Ingrid said...

I have been there in 2008, really amazing !

Powell River Books said...

Lonely isn't always a bad thing. There is more time to get to know ourselves. - Margy

Lmkazmierczak said...

I'm looking forward to your future posts! I can't imagine living in those rugged areas♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/lighting/

Obsessivemom said...

What breathtaking scenery. Greece is climbing up on my to-visit list.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful dramatic scenery; hard to imagine living there. Can't wait to read more.