Tuesday, 10 March 2015

ABC Wednesday, Greece, I for Icons.

Saint Paul created by Father "Pefkis".































 Our journey in Greece was an attempt to follow the way Paul took to spread the gospel. This was probably the second journey of Paul. On our way  we visited an icon workshop, where a priest and his students were busy  painting icons. We watched them respectfully in silence.





This is the icon I bought in the workshop where icons are painted with patience and care. We could watch the monks who were busy. We were asked to be as silent as possible.

At the back of this icon there is a seal to guarantee that the icon is genuine.



Wikipedia: "An icon is generally a flat panel painting depicting Jesus, Mary, saints and angels, which is venerated among Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and in certain Eastern Catholic Churches.

Icons may also be cast in metal, carved in stone, embroidered on cloth, painted on wood, done in mosaic or fresco work, printed on paper or metal, etc. Icons are often illuminated with a candle or jar of oil with a wick. (Beeswax for candles and olive oil for oil lamps are preferred because they burn very cleanly, although other materials are sometimes used.) The illumination of religious images with lamps or candles is an ancient practice pre-dating Christianity."

ABC on Wednesday has arrived at the letter I . Thank you Denise Nesbitt and ABCW Team.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh the talent! Give me a coloring book and I think I am a Picasso, but I am afraid if I tried to paint, it would be a big old scary blobby mess!

Ann said...

I love the iconic picture of Christ!

Murthy K v v s said...

Very nice photographs shared..!

Roger Owen Green said...

I LOVE iconography in the Eastern Orthodox churches.


Trubes said...

Hi Wil, I thought I had already commented about your icons then it disappeared into cyber space!
What I said was, how lovely I thought the icons were and like Ann, I particularly liked the one of Christ.
Again a most informative and interesting post Wil, thanks for sharing it with us.
Best wishes,
ABCW team.

Photo Cache said...

What beautiful pictures and what a great idea to follow the route of St. Paul.


Dina said...

These Byzantine icons are wonderful and wondrous. You were lucky to be able to watch the iconographers writing them.

Cloudia said...

Icons are windows into the spiritual realm. Very fine post, Wil

ALOHA from Honolulu

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. I love icons (used it for my "I" post too!) How amazing to have been able to watch the monks work!

Anita Sabat said...

Lovely pics, Wil.
Got to learn about Icons.
Have a great week :)

Ingrid said...

Some Icons are real beautiful !

ABC Wednesday


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos :)
Have a nice day

Unknown said...

Wat ben je een begenadigd kunstenaar als je zoiets kunt maken...

echt mooi!

Obsessivemom said...

The pictures are breathtaking. Loved your post. The only icons I knew of are the ones on my desktop!

Anonymous said...

So interesting to see the artist at work. Wonderful photos! Great choice for the letter I!

Joy said...

The painting of icons is a fascinating process with such beautiful results.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Fascinating post this week...always enjoy my visit♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/incline/

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Beautiful art work!
The View from the Top of the Ladder