Tuesday, 17 February 2015

ABC Wednesday, F for Free- Range

Free Range Eggs for Sale

Free Range Chickens

ABC is created by Denise Nesbitt. It has been an enormous success. We arrived at the sixteenth round and the letter E. See more lovely and interesting words starting with F. Click on the logo in the sidebar and refer please to the ABC on Wednesday meme  and Mrs Nesbitt.


Wikipedia says:" Free-range eggs are eggs produced from birds that are permitted outdoors for at least part of the day. The term "free-range" may be used differently depending on the country and the relevant laws.

Eggs from indoor-only chickens might also be labelled Cage-free, Barn, Barn-roaming or Aviary. This is different from birds that are reared in systems labelled as Battery cages or Furnished cages."

You will understand that I 'll never buy eggs produced  from birds in battery cages. There are people who say that the "battery eggs" taste less good, as the chickens are confined in  small cages and are forced to produce eggs without a break.






Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- I did not know that!

Sylvia K said...

No, I didn't know this either!! Interesting post, Wil!! Hope you have a great week!!

Rajesh said...

Three cheers for Free Range eggs. Thanks for sharing.

mrsnesbitt said...

The very best!
Thanks for your help with ABC Wednesday, much appreciated.
Denise ABC Team.

Indrani said...

Never knew this!
What a great informative post!
Happy ABCW!

Unknown said...

Een vers eitje.... niks mis mee, lust ik ook wel, eet smakelijk ;-)

Roger Owen Green said...

Free range is better! My wife buys them.

Trubes said...

I've never forgotten the sheer joy of eating Denise's wonderful free range eggs that she gave us when we visited her in Yorkshire. We were on the way home from a holiday in Northumberland, and she invited us for lunch,
When we were leaving we were presented with some of her chickies eggs, along with 2 delicious local beef pies.
Free range is best, I would never buy anything other!
Lovely words yet again Wil, I so enjoy reading your writing.
Best wishes,
ABCW team.

Photo Cache said...

We grew up on free range eggs.


Jane Hards Photography said...

I buy free range and the sizes very and the taste is defintely better.

Nonnie said...

Did the research tell why? I seldom eat eggs, but I definitely opt for the free-range ones.

Hildred said...

Love your header, Wil, and I'm certainly all for free range eggs when I can get them.

Lea said...

Great choice for F!
We do not eat many eggs, but I do believe free-range is healthier.

Lmkazmierczak said...

My sister has some free range chickens...am always amused by her stories of where she finds eggs♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/fiery-sunset/

Anonymous said...

Good choice for the letter F. Free Range are all the rage for sure around here.

Powell River Books said...

It would make sense that chickens living in less stress would produce better eggs. - Margy

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I won't buy eggs in the supermarket anymore unless I'm sure they are free-range eggs. Fortunately, there are a couple of small markets that sell them.
The View from the Top of the Ladder

Carin Diaz said...

Interesting post. I admit, free range hens are not one of the 20 things that comes to mind with the letter F. :)


MeenalSonal said...

Thanks for sharing the facts,they were really helpful

Ingrid said...

When I was a child everything was "Bio" I don't know who invented these "egg producing machines" ! Now we are returning to the past but have to pay more ! The so said bio stuff isn't really bio neither, only the bio prices are real bio ! I realized this when I ate vegetables, chicken, etc in Egypt, Morocco or Tunisia there everything tastes "bio" and is cheap !

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great information to have. Well worth paying extra (for those of us fortunate enough to be ble to do so).