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These cartoons were taken from the book " The British Character" by the British cartoonist Pont, who was a collector of clichés in Britain.He was one of the most observant humorous artists of our time. He died at the age of thirty-two. The British Character appeared in book form in 1938 and edition after edition was sold. As I had a horror story two days ago for ABC, I thought it appropriate to continue a bit in that direction and show you these cartoons, which gave me the idea that the British love horror stories!!
This meme was started on 27 September 2009, by James. You can join this meme at some time during the weekend. Just post your photo and go to James to tell him that you are on, or click on the logo in the sidebar.This meme is created for any type of reflection.
They made me smile reader wil, so they are still relevant today - love your header by the way - very Christmassy and rather reminiscent of Breughel I think.
Prachtige reflectie
zeker in de eerste tekening :-)
U hebt een leuke kerstversiering bovenaan het blog !!
Fijne avond groetjes van ons :-)
Oops ... bijna vergeten
prettig weekend
Ja dat ben ik hahahaha ....
met fotoshopping programma's maak je de gekste dingen hihi...
groetjes :-)
Cute post, it is a gift for our weekend here! Thanks a lot for sharing and I would like to say also I loved your picture in the sidebar with all adorable kids!
Your life is full of beautiful moments and lights...full of blessings!
Have a great weekend dear friend, enjoy the Sun if they smile there or if not...enjoy the light that your hearts irradiates all around your place!
Léia :)
I love these cartoons -- but can't agree that the love of horror stories is confined to the British. What about all the dreadful fairy tales from the Grimm brothers -- children eaten by witches, hands and feet chopped off, a wicked person put in a barrel with nails through it and rolled down hill -- I think lots of nations scare their children. But I don't think all those gruesome fairy tales did me any harm -- I think they are a way of experiencing scary horrible things in a 'safe' context.
The header is a perfect reminder that the holiday season will soon be upon us.
Excellent post, and yes the English do like horror stories.
Beautiful sketches. So much details in them.
Well that is not at all surprising since they invented detective stories with Sherlock Holmes.
You make me smile too, Dear Wil
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
What fun!
These are fun cartoons, Wil. What a shame that he died so young.
Beautiful prints and I absolutely love your header. Prettige kerstdagen en een sparkelend Nieuw jaar
Fascinating choice for reflections! And informative and entertaining!
Nice way of using the word reflection.
Good luck with your hospitality duties.
Being 3/4 English, perhaps that explains my enjoyment of the CSI and Criminal Minds types of shows. Good to know it is heritiary and not just a perverted mind.
I like the twist you've used for reflecting ~ poignant!
Weekend Reflections ~ A Watery Theme
Fantastic take on the theme, so true!
It read like something taken straight from Dorothy sayers & al.
He must have read them all.
Bedankt voor uw bericht en daarmee bedoel ik de uitleg hihihi...
Ik wist het echt niet de meeste reflectie foto's die je ziet dat is een water reflectie foto ,
begrijpt U wat ik bedoel !!!!
Ik weet het nu BEDANKT ....
Hebt U het ook al gehoord
de volgende week krijgen we misschien SNEEUW :-)
Leuk op te zien maar gevaarlijk autorijden :(
Wees voorzichtig AUB ik hou niet van gladheid :-)
Hope you're having a great week-end.
Dat zal wel meevallen
ik geloof nooit dat er morgen sneeuw valt :-)
Prettig weekend
en alvast welterusten hihi...
I love the drawing at the top of your post. Wonderful...!
Quite an appropriate reflection on the British character, Wil. They seem to be able to do the wierdest things in the oddest of places.\
A different, but very appropriate, reflection for our meme this week.
Nice twist to the meme. These made me smile, thanks for the grin. And I love your header. Kathy
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