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This photo was taken in a holiday park in Cairns Australia!
This is a new meme which gives us the opportunity to show our best photos of reflections. It is a meme that is started by James. You can join this meme at some time during the weekend. Just post your photo and go to James to tell him that you are on.
That's a really different kind of reflection (or different kind of water). A refreshing change from crystal-clear ones.
Op bezoek bij uw dochter :-)
Prachtige foto
water is altijd de beste reflectie.
Waait het bij U ook zo hard
hier waaide net in de straat een paar dakpannen naar beneden,
het waait heeeeeel hard en het is best wel warm.
Van de week zou het ook zo'n
15 graden blijven vreemd voor de tijd van het jaar !!
Fijne avond en geniet van de zondag
(hopelijk zonder stormschade ;)
Anya :)
It sounds such a fascinating country reader wil. One of my dream holidays would be to cross Australie on The Ghan - trouble is it is such a long way to fly.
Peaceful, relaxing looking photo.
Très exotique!
Love that little corner with reflections! I see palms, so it must be at a place where the weather is mostly nice!
Beautiful...I would so like to be somewhere where there are palm trees..
Beautiful place.
It looks so peaceful and harmonious.
Lovely green colors and crystal clear water.
Great! :)
Wat een mooie foto reader Wil.
Ik had al eens gedacht zou zij ook in Barendrecht wonen? Zou wel toevallig zijn hè.
Groeten van Riet
This is so scenic Wil. Wel leuk en zonige. Groetjes!
Your visit is a blessing...Thanks for dropping by...God bless
A beautiful reflections photo .
Wil I had not realised how many of your posts I had missed. My only excuse is that we are in the middle of a heat-wave and it is hard to keep a clear head. At least I have caught up now and enjoyed them.
A lovely lagoon to while away the hours.
Oh wow! What a beautiful photo. It looks gorgeous there.
Very good! As Dina wrote - not the usual reflection.
Great picture.I would love to visit Australia. Maybe someday.
Is toch steeds prachtig die reflecties op het water.
Fijne en hopelijk droge zondag
What a beautiful, relaxing place. It would be hard for stress to get a toe hold there.
A toe hold is a small indentation or ledge on which the toe of a shoe can find support in climbing. Also,and how I used it: it is a slight or initial yet significant advantage useful for future progress.
Thus stress does not have a chance of gaining ground or becoming established in such a lovely setting as in your picture.
Hope that clears that up. I like new expressions also.
Lovely reflection, the water is very clear.
Gorgeous photo with nice palm trees surrounding the peaceful water
Reflected palms are among my favorite shots. What a lovely spot for a vacation stay. Kathy
I like this picture. It has great trees and a great reflection. It looks very familiar to me. It's probably the palm trees. There were always lots of them around when I was a boy.
Was spijtig genoeg niet zo'n best weekend, maar hopelijk start deze week stukken beter.
Outstanding reflection!Well done!
Please forgive this later comment, I was travelling and I could not use the computer.But it's a nice surprise today, your post is perfect!
I would love visit Australia someday!
That looks warm and refreshing and wonderful.
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