Saturday 29 December 2007

Better 93 years late than... exactly!

This week I read a most remarkable story ! After 93 years a christmas card found at last its way to the address it was meant to be delivered, . The person it was directed to, had died in the meantime, but her sister- in- law, Bernice Martin, accepted the card. The card,representing Father Christmas and a young girl, was posted in 1914 and was delivered a few days before Christmas, but 93 years late. Of course the one cent stamp was no longer sufficient and more stamps had to be added.Where it had been in the meantime is a mystery. It would be nice to invent a story in which this card played a major role. A love story for instance. When I was still teaching, I told half a story and asked the class to finish it, which resulted in the nicest stories. Some of those pupils were very talented, and used their imagination in such a way, that I realised ,that they could have become great writers.


KOSTAS said...

Very beautiful the history, you give impulse in the imagination of each person it passes the two World Wars, but also it has comical action, up to today.
I wish you a Happy New Year 2008, with health, happiness and chance

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the visit, Wil. And if you go to the birds blog and click on the right side under "American Robin" and scroll down you can see how red the breasts of adults are. They are one of our favorite birds because they herald the arrival of spring.

Reader Wil said...

Thank you Kostas! Yes it could be very interesting to create a short story competition about all the places and countries, where the card had been, and more news about the sender and person it was addressed to!

Reader Wil said...

Thanks Abe! I shall do that and see if there are any differences between the European robins and yours!