Friday 20 July 2007

Philippi Greece.

Paul would certainly have gone to Philippi by the Via Egnatia. When Paul travelled in Greece it was occupied by the Romans and Philippi was taken by the Romans in 168 BC. Paul however saw in 49 AD a well developed city, predominantly Roman in character. On one side of the Via Egnatia we see the ruines of the Agora, the Greek word for market. Later this market became an important place for tradesmen, politicians and philosophers. There was a tribune for public speakers and it was here that Paul met a slave girl who could predict the future. He healed her and she lost the ability of telling fortunes, which had always been very profitable for her owners. These owners seized Paul and Silas and brought them before the magistrate, who had the prisoners stripped and
flogged, after which they were flung into prison

These are typically Roman columns. The Greek builders would use the Doric column, which is very simple, or the Ionic order, while the Romans preferred the more elaborate Corinthian columns with the acanthus leaves

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